A Walk After Snow/雪后散步
MA Visual Communication, Royal College of Art, WIP (Work in Progress) Show
180*210mm , riso printed, 20 pages, hand binded
A Walk After Snow is a zine documenting a happy yet long-gone walk I took in Phoenix Farm after the exciting snow in December. Every Friday we gathered together, weeding, harvesting, feeding chickens and rabbits. On 16th Dec we gathered one last time before the new year. There wasn’t much gardening work to do in the quiet winter time, so we chatted a bit, had some tea, took some walks, exchanged Christmas gifts and then waved goodbye.
我在英国做community garden(社区花园)的义工,每周一次,除草,堆肥,捡豆子,喂鸡,喂兔子。这本小志记录了我在2022年12月,伦敦大雪的几天后,去pheonix farm的一场散步。那天是圣诞节前的最后一次会面,时值冬季,没有太多农活可以做,于是大家聊天,喝茶,散步,互赠圣诞礼物,然后挥手告别。