Lucy Hú/胡嘉纯About/关于


Illustration, Book

3x3 Illustration Show No.  20, Merit
BIBF International Illustration Exhibition 2023    
Bologna Children’s Book Fair, International Award for Illustration, Finalist
Award360°, Shortlisted
The Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition, Finalist


Humans spend more than a third of their lives in their own rooms. Virginia Woolf write ‘A Room of One's Own’. To explore the poetry and possibility of 'room'.

‘Room’ depicts the boring days of a giant creature living in a cube-shaped room about the size of his body: sunbathing, cooking, eating, bathing, reading, painting, cleaning, cutting hair, watching television. Although there are boring, repetitive and insignificant small happenings, life is grand, isn’t isn’t it? 

人类有超过1/3的时间都呆在自己的房间里。Virginia Woolf写A Room of One’s Own。




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